Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to School Blog Hop

Welcome to the Back to School Blog Hop! I hope everyone's school year has gotten off to a super start!

Below you will find lots of fun things! Just follow the link to the next blog. Put the 'code' together and in the end, you can enter to win some amazing prizes! Click on pictures to follow the link!

And don't forget to down load this new freebie! It is a great generic game that can be used for a articulation or language goal! (I plan to use it for some sequencing lessons too!) Go to our TpT store to grab it! Or click HERE!

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Confessions of a Poor Phonology Student

We all have strengths… and we all have weaknesses. Some of us rock out whipping out fabulous IEPs and others of us can create a cute craftivity using little to no brain power.

Well, I confess… I have a weakness. I know, I know, I can hear all of you gasping at the thought. A speech lady who is not perfect in every area of life? It cannot be! Well I hate to burst your bubble but the nasty rumor is true. (I hope you can all hear the sarcasm in this! ;)

I am not so good at phonetics. I never really liked the class in undergrad of grad school. This is not a reflection of the professor, but rather my instinct to not love something that I am not naturally good at.  I used to poor over pages of homework for hours and hours saying words over and over and over and over and over. Then I would get someone else to say the words over and over and over and over. As time went on in my school career I got better at phonetics and transcribing. I had to practice constantly so I wouldn't forget what I had learned.

Then I got a job in the real world and was not required to test my own students. I only had to transcribe on rare occasions. Therefore, I was out of the habit of transcribing and it was a nightmare all over again!

Incase any of you can relate to not being a  super star in the land of phonetics I wanted to share a little treasure that made my life and phonetics class much easier!

Behold, Merriam-Webseter’s A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English. This little treasure is a guide to using the International Phonetic Alphabet. It lists words and variations of the phonetic spelling. It was a great way to double check myself!
I hope that some of you find it useful too!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

SLP Swag

Some people like to do the Spring Cleaning thing. I prefer to clean everything out right before school starts back. Clutter free is the way to be… at least in the beginning of the school year! 

While cleaning out for a yard sale I came across these jewels and after reading Jenna’s post I was inspired to share it with y’all! Behold my 'SLP Swag"! Oh if I could only have the money back for all the undergrad and grad T-shirts I bought, I would have a good chunk of mad money! Do you have anything like this lurking in your closet?

I think my favorite is 'See Not? Hear Not? See us!' Don't worry, nothing pictured above made it into the yard sale... I just couldn't stand to part with any of it!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Instagram Love

Have you missed me? Now you can keep up with me on Instagram!

 Please beware; this is not strictly a Speech Ladies account, but rather my own personal account. So you can get a glimpse into my world which will certainly include speech things! Follow me at knyoung2.
And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@TheSpeechLadies),  Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


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August SLP Linky

I know. You thought we were never going to blog again. But SURPRISE! We are back and getting ready to re-adjust to the school year schedule. Be on the lookout for new, fresh posts!

For the last week I have been in complete denial that it is already August. But I am happy that it is time for All Y’all Need’s SLP Linkup!

Buying: Back to school clothes and supplies! I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but nothing puts a smile on my face like shopping for school supplies! This year I made a point to get to the stores during Tax Free Weekend. Every store I went into was a complete madhouse, but I saved some money! Also, it was a great excuse to buy new work clothes!

Trying: To soak in the last precious moments of summer! For me this means lots of pool time, visiting family and packing in lots of lunch dates! There are so many things I love about my job, but sometimes I am bummed when I can’t meet up with my girlfriends for a lunch date! So during the summer I love to be a lunching lady and meet my friends at cute little sandwich shoppes!

Speeching: This year I accepted a job in a new district. So that means I inherited new rooms and materials. I have already spent a couple of days cleaning out the room and organizing myself for the new year!