Lately the greatest ally in my speech room has been good ole Ned. Does Ned come to visit your speech room too?
I can’t even begin to describe how much my boys LOVE this game. It is amazing what a group of second grade boys will do if you promise a few minutes with Ned at the end of their session! But beware, Ned is not for the weak of stomach. He has been through a lot and you will find everything from an alien to a dirty diaper rolling around in his head! The concept is really quite simple. I allow each student to draw one card from the stack, then with their eyes closed they must feel around for the object that is pictured on their card. If they find the object they can keep it and the card, if not, the card goes back into the stack. Whoever found the most objects in the end wins!

This game is easy to incorporate into therapy. For example, have the student say a target word/phrase/sentence before they can reach into the head, or have them make up a silly phrase/sentence about the object they found using their target sound. I have also used it with my students who were working on matching pictures to objects. If they were able, they reached into the head to pull out an object then they had to find the picture that matched what was in their hand. For language kids you can work on possessives, expanding utterances (ant… big ant, sock… dirty sock), just be creative! Something else that I love about this game is that it came with several blank cards so that you can add your own objects!
If you know Ned, how do you use him with your speech kiddos?
For other ideas about Ned, check out Kristen’s post here.