Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

This summer I used a different book each week to target language goals with my students. I love to work on language skills this way! It makes working with a group easier since it seems that each student has a different goal and generally there is more than one concept you can teach with each book.

Brown Bear  Brown Bear What Do You See? By Eric Carle and Bill Martin Jr. was one of my favorites. If you are looking extra info on the book go to Eric Carle's blog.

 You can use this book to target:
·         Sequencing

·         Retelling

·         Predicting

·         Animal vocabulary

·         Animal sounds

·         Color vocabulary

·         Categories (size, color, sea animal, pets, wild animals)

·         WH questions (Where does this animal live? What does he eat? Who has seen this animal?)

·         Expanding utterances/Descriptions (By asking “what do you see in the classroom?”)


The kids love this heads and tails activity I found on pinterest.

And this Brown Bear Clank Can is a great activity for sequencing and retelling. I used these pictures for my students who needed visual cues.

I LOVED the Boardmaker Share pages. It made it easy for my kids to read along.

More activities:
Craft (an older blog)


I wish I had known about this handout from Heard in Speech earlier! It is a great way to communicate with parents and encourage language at home. (Kristen, please feel free to make more of these!)


For more resources go over to Speech Room News Blog and the Simply Speech Blog.
And here is the You Tube video of Eric Carle reading the book!


  1. These are some great ideas to expand on reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." Thanks!

    Talking With Rebecca
