Wednesday, February 6, 2013


It’s app review time! Mneemo is a new app created by fellow SLP Danielle Rico and her husband. This app is created as a memory matching game. AND it is only 99 cents!

There are several memory games out there but this is the first one I have used that kept up with the score! That is what my kiddos liked the best about this. What can I say, they are a competitive little bunch!

Taking a cue from Danielle, I incorporated this app into therapy by using it to focus on vocabulary. While it has some pre-loaded images Mnemmo allows you to upload your own pictures. When apps do this it allows you to really cater to a specific child or group. If you use different themes each week, this would be a great app to get! Each week you could load new pictures that correspond to your current theme. But beware that this means a little extra prep time for you. (If you are like me, some weeks you have extra time, some weeks you don’t.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can also use it for articulation and upload pictures that target a specific phoneme.

By the way Danielle’s mother is an SLP too! How awesome is it to meet another mother daughter SLP duo?!

Enter to win our Mneemo giveaway below! We will choose 3 winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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