Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Did you hear about the man who stutters that tried out for American Idol? I know we are way behind on posting about this, but just in case you missed be sure to check out the video below. I even shared it with some of my students who stutter just to encourage them!

It is a very sweet story about Lazaro Arbos, who has struggled with stuttering most of his life. The judges look very skeptical about this contestant when he first speaks to them. But I love to watch their reaction when he sings!

Did you share this with your students? If so, what did they think?
Be sure to check out the links below to read more about this story!

MSNBC – Why Idol Contestant’s Stutter Goes Away When He Sings
The Stuttering Foundation - He is Already a Winner


  1. Wow, big tears here! That was heartbreaking but so inspiring -- one of the reasons I'm proud to be an SLP is to be able to help people like Lazaro!

  2. Wiping my eyes! Thank you so much for sharing and reminding me why I love my job!
