Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Speech Data

Ok, I need to know. How do you keep data? There are just so many different ways!

Here is how I keep data. I have done it several ways and this year I finally found a form that I like the best. I have a notebook for each school. In the notebook I keep a data page for each student. My data pages are organized by my speech groups via tabs WITH pockets.

Each tab has the time of a group on it. In the pocket of the tab I keep worksheets that I have printed out for homework or to use in therapy. This way I have it right in front of me and I don’t have to get up and search for it. I usually decide what activities I am doing for the week the Friday before (Friday is when I have the most planning time). If I am not using a worksheet I usually write on a sticky note what activity I want to do and put the sticky on the tab. If I don’t write down my ideas I will totally forget by Monday morning.

My data sheet has space for the following info: Student name, school, SLP, nine week period, days they are seen, case manager, date, time, attendance, core standard targeted, area that is targeted, skill/activity completed, a graph to mark data, percentage and if homework was given or received. It looks like this:

And you can get it here.

I know that the cool, new way to keep data is electronically or through an app if you have an iPad. But here is my problem. I have the data tracker app on my iPad. And I like it. It works great if I am using my good ole artic cards. But when I use another app with my kids I cannot count my data on data tracker app. Does this make sense?

With most of my artic apps (for example) I can e-mail the data to myself. But then I have to input that data into my data tracker app. This takes up more time than if I had just used old fashion paper and pen to track data. At least that way I only do it once. I know I can use paper and pen when I am using my iPad to target a goal and my record data on the iPad if I am using ‘real’ materials but it drives me nuts to not have all my data in one place.

Anybody out there hear me? Am I making any sense? And can you PLEASE help me? How do you do it?


  1. I feel the same way about the iPad data! Thanks for this post! It took me 10 years to come up with a data sheet that I like and it looks a lot like this one! :)

  2. This blog is very nice and informative for student who wants to read online. And want statistics help. And keep continue to sharing this helpful information with us.

  3. I have a printable form with each student's goals on it. There is room for me to keep track of both MEdicaid billing information (group vs. ind. and data) It is a long process to get it started for each student after their annual review and I'm still not thrilled with it. It is my third version in just as many years. It really makes me despise taking data.

  4. Hi girls! Data data data ... It's what drives us to good therapy, right? But what a headache to keep up and organized....I had the same issue when I started out in the public schools; each year I would change and revise what I was doing to keep track of data. I now have a system I love...if you'd like to see what I do check my blog post on publicschoolslp.blogspot.com. I think you may find it a little easier than what you're doing...

  5. I have a pretty similar system. I have a really large binder divided into the students/groups I see. I always have a copy of any relevant information from their IEP along with their speech goals in front. My data tracking sheet is pretty simple with each goal listed. I write on my data sheets everyday I see the child what activity and how long I saw them for. This means less stress for medicaid billing. If the student is absent that is also written down. Finally each child has their own speech folder where I can store homework, materials for that day and so forth.

  6. Wow! Sounds like you all have different and effective ways to keep data. I am suddenly thankful that I do not have to keep up with medicaid billing!

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