Thursday, October 18, 2012

Artic Pocket Game

Congrats to Tammy H.! She won our iSpot Pro app giveaway!

Let’s face it. Sometimes there is just not enough time to prep for therapy and come up with a cutesy game to entertain our kids. Or sometimes there is no more ink (this is the equivalent to gold in my school district), and teachers are hoarding paper because the supply is low and when it’s gone, it’s gone folks.

Well if you have a pocket chart, then I have an artic idea for you!
Ok... no judging my board. It is really just a white board that someone had put tons of tape on and it was hard to write on. One day I just couldn't take it anymore and I covered it up. Still a work in progress. Just focus on the mini pocket chart! 
Place your articulation cards in your pocket chart. Explain to the students that you will say a riddle. The first person to guess what the riddle is while using their good speech sounds gets the card. Whoever has the most cards in the end wins. Don’t know about you but as long as my students are working to ‘win’ something they work so much harder! The riddles can be simple such as ‘something we eat at a birthday party”. The answer is cake.

This activity is especially great for spontaneous speech. I could not think up a catchy name for this, so if you have an idea let me know!

What easy, no prep and no ink games do you like to play with your kids?


  1. What about the name "A pocket of riddles"? :-)
    I love to play Jeopardy with my kiddos since I have a big white board in my room. I target different sounds for each kid with the categories. The kiddos seem to enjoy it. I also made a life size game board on my floor and use my cards as the game cards.

  2. I do a few different things with the cards. A memory game: each student gets a few cards. One student closes his eyes and the other student flips one of his cards over. the other student then opens his eyes and trys to remember which card was flipped over. We increase the field of cards as the game continues. I've done quick drills where I flash a card and drop it, the student trys to say it before it hits the table or ill cover a card up, slowly reveal and see who can shout out the name first.
    Also you can lay out 6 cards, the student rolls a dice and flips over the corresponding card. So if they roll a three, they say that card three times and then flip it over. First person to flip all the cards over wins. You get a lot of productions as they always seem to roll number six multiple times.

  3. I like to play a quick memory game: each student gets a few cards. One student closes his eyes while the other student flips one of his cards over or hides it. The other student must remember which card was hidden, we increase the field of cards for difficulty.
    Or, lay out 6 cards for each student. Student rolls a dice and flips over the corresponding card. If he rolls a 3, he flips over the 3rd card and says it three times. First person to flip all the cards wins.
    Other simple things like flash a card to the student and drop it, student tries to say it before it hits the table.

  4. Easiest game I came up with: artic race!

    Basically I hand each student a deck of their articulation cards and tell them when I say their name, they need to tell me 5 words quick and then it's the next person's turn. Somehow, my students love this game! It gets in a ton of practice on each artic sound, leaves my hands open for taking data, and the kids think of it as a race (and think we have to get through every set of cards I hand them).

    Talking With Rebecca

  5. Matching/Memory games are always a hit with the articulation cards. I have them say each word they flip over using their good sounds, and if they find a match they have to use that word in a sentence.

    I also have a mini trash can with a flip lid that I have students "throw their pictures away" once they say it with their good sounds. So simple, but they love it!

    Or, I hold the deck of cards and flip one over. If the student says it correctly, they get to keep the card. If they say it incorrectly, I get to keep the card and model the correct production for them. See who ends up with the most cards.

    You're right - motivation to "win" anything is such an easy 'trick' to have in my pocket :)

    In a pinch I've also done "Spread the Cards on the Floor and Student Tosses Bean Bag Onto a Card" or "Cover Pictures With a Magnetic Bingo Chip After You Say It" Haha!

  6. KDSLP that is a great idea for a name! Thanks! And a life size game board sounds so cool!
    Emily thanks for more card game ideas! My kids were getting tired of go fish!
    Rebecca, I need to try the race idea! Bet my kids would love that! They always love to compete!
    Abby, the trash can idea is so creative!
    Love hearing all these easy ideas to use with my artic cards!
