Monday, September 24, 2012

We're Going On a Bear Hunt

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury is another book I used for language lessons this summer. It is such a fun book to read with a group!

Language Ideas:

o   Sequencing/ Retelling with these cards from A to Z Teacher Stuff

o   Descriptive words (Lots of these in this book! Long, wavy, thick, oozy, big, dark)

o   The book is repetitive so the kids love to read along with you
o   Great vocabulary
o   WH questions (Where are they? What are they hunting? Who is going on a bear hunt?)

o   Spatial Concept cards in the Bear Hunt Lap Book (pg. 11) from (over, under, through)
Hand motions that go with the story:
  • Grass in the meadow - rub hands together to create a swishing sound
  • Crossing the river - do the breast stroke with your arms
  • Going through mud - slowly pull feet (or arms) up as if stuck in mud
  • Going through the forest - climb a tree
  • While in the snowstorm - pretend to shiver
  • While in the cave - pretend to feel carefully in front of your face with your hands
  • When you find the bear – act scared
And of course here are some amazing materials from Boardmaker Share.

Here is the You Tube video of Michael Rosen reading the book. So entertaining! 

Be sure to check out other language ideas from Speech Lady Liz 

and our post about language ideas that go with The Very Hungry Caterpillar! 

What are some books you like to use for language lessons?

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