Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August SLP Linky

I know. You thought we were never going to blog again. But SURPRISE! We are back and getting ready to re-adjust to the school year schedule. Be on the lookout for new, fresh posts!

For the last week I have been in complete denial that it is already August. But I am happy that it is time for All Y’all Need’s SLP Linkup!

Buying: Back to school clothes and supplies! I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but nothing puts a smile on my face like shopping for school supplies! This year I made a point to get to the stores during Tax Free Weekend. Every store I went into was a complete madhouse, but I saved some money! Also, it was a great excuse to buy new work clothes!

Trying: To soak in the last precious moments of summer! For me this means lots of pool time, visiting family and packing in lots of lunch dates! There are so many things I love about my job, but sometimes I am bummed when I can’t meet up with my girlfriends for a lunch date! So during the summer I love to be a lunching lady and meet my friends at cute little sandwich shoppes!

Speeching: This year I accepted a job in a new district. So that means I inherited new rooms and materials. I have already spent a couple of days cleaning out the room and organizing myself for the new year!


  1. Back to school clothes sound great! Can you help me? I'm fashion-impaired. Thanks for linking up, and good luck with your new job!

  2. Yes! The summer went way too fast. I too am starting at a new district this year. Good luck!

    Schoolhouse Talk!
