Monday, December 10, 2012

Multiple Choice Articualiton App Review

The app is from Erik X. Raj, but the review is from me! (Scroll to bottom to enter the GIVEAWAY!)

Multiple Choice Articulation is a great new app for targeting the s, z, r, l, sh, ch, and th phonemes at the reading and conversation levels. I am alsways searching for new activities to target sounds at this level. I feel that the bigger varitey of sound specific activities my students are exposed to, the more generalization it promotes!

The player is able to choose a sound and the position (initial, medial, final) and then read fun ‘would you rather’ questions. My students had a lot of fun reading and answering these silly questions and it prompted a lot of discussion!  They also got really excited about hearing the answer that Erik recorded!

I was able to get a lot conversational samples from my kiddos. Yay!

Things I do like:
It offers another way to practice articulation at a higher level!

Things I do not like:
This app does not record data.

Things I would like to see in an update:
I would love to be able to record my student’s responses and play it back to them.
You can grab this app in the iTunes store for $9.99! OR you can enter our GIVEAWAY! Just comment below and leave you e-mail!


Anonymous said...

This looks like a great app for my kids grades 3-5.

CandyIce said...

I just got an iPad so this would be looks amazing!! (: Thanks for doing this giveaway! My email is

Xxx said...

I hope to get an IPAD soon, so this would be a great first speechie App. I'm a graduate SLP student at NU in Boston!

Anonymous said...

Love it.... Spontaneous targeted speech is always difficult to get my kiddos interested in...this would be awesome :)

Unknown said...

I'll try again for this great looking app!-I didn't win it in another giveaway.

Unknown said...

forgot to post my email in my previous comment about this great looking app!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!

HNowitzke said...

I'd love to try this out with some of my middle school kiddos who are almost done!

HNowitzke said...

Would love to use it with my middle schoolers who come in almost done with artic goals!

Anonymous said...

I have many students that would like this for a change.

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this.

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great app!

cbiksacky said...

I'm always looking for more ways to target theses skills. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic, especially for those older kids who are more difficult to engage. This would make a great Christmas treat for me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Just starting out as an SLP student! I would love to win this app!

Valerie said...

Would love to win!

Natalya H said...

This sounds like a wonderful tool! Thank you for sharing :)

Lindsay D said...

I work with middle schoolers so this would be fanstastic! I hope I win! :)

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this for my students working on carryover.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome app that would be especially helpful for my oler students!

Meghan G. said...

Would be great to have another articulation app that sounds like a lot of fun and leads to discussion. Thanks for the review

Rachel said...

This looks like a great app!! Would be great for the kids on my caseload! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Val said...

Love it!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this app. I'm a new SLP and this would be great to use with my kids!